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進攻東京,有許多條路線。臺人乎!諸君在進攻東京之路線上! 編號415,二戰盟軍中日文傳單


WW2, No.415 Air Drop Leaflet for Taiwan, To attack Tokyo, There are many routes. Taiwanese! You are on the road to attack Tokyo!

進攻東京,有許多條路線。臺人乎!諸君在進攻東京之路線上! 編號415,二戰盟軍中日文傳單《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

WW2, No.415 Air Drop Leaflet for Taiwan, To attack Tokyo, There are many routes. Taiwanese! You are on the road to attack Tokyo!  進攻東京,有許多條路線。臺人乎!諸君在進攻東京之路線上! 編號415,二戰盟軍中日文傳單《Black Water Museum Collections  | 黑水博物館館藏》
WW2, No.415 Air Drop Leaflet for Taiwan, To attack Tokyo, There are many routes. Taiwanese! You are on the road to attack Tokyo! 進攻東京,有許多條路線。臺人乎!諸君在進攻東京之路線上! 編號415,二戰盟軍中日文傳單《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》



美總統羅斯福在一九四三年二月十二日演講詞中有云:「向東京進攻,有數條路。我等並未忽略任何一條。」此時美國總統方歸自卡薩卜蘭克會議。在該會議時曾與英相邱吉爾共同宣布在日德等無條件投降之前絕不結束戰事。 臺灣即為進攻東京數條路中之一條。空襲在臺灣之日寇軍事設備,即証明此條路未被遺忘。我等奪來此條路,而與他條路線配合使用,以直搗日寇之首都東京。 今寄語諸君,請諒解在諸君之土地上,轟炸日寇之苦衷。並望諸君明瞭我等乃諸君之良友;而與在臺灣擊滅共同之敵時,且歡迎諸君之助力也。


To attack Tokyo, There are many routes.

Taiwanese! You are on the road to attack Tokyo!

President Roosevelt said in his speech on February 12, 1943: "There are several paths to attack Tokyo. I have not overlooked any one." At this time, the U.S. President's side returned to the Casablanc Conference. At the meeting, he and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill jointly announced that the war would never end until Japan and Germany surrendered unconditionally. Taiwan is one of several ways to attack Tokyo. The air raid on Japanese military equipment in Taiwan proves that this road has not been forgotten. We will seize this route and use it in conjunction with other routes to directly engage Tokyo, the capital of Japanese aggressors. Today, I send a message to you, please understand the difficulties of bombing the Japanese invaders on the ground of your gentlemen. And I hope you all understand that we are your good friends; and when we defeat the common enemy in Taiwan, we welcome your help.

WW2, No.415 Air Drop Leaflet for Taiwan, To attack Tokyo, There are many routes. Taiwanese! You are on the road to attack Tokyo!  進攻東京,有許多條路線。臺人乎!諸君在進攻東京之路線上! 編號415,二戰盟軍中日文傳單《Black Water Museum Collections  | 黑水博物館館藏》
WW2, No.415 Air Drop Leaflet for Taiwan, To attack Tokyo, There are many routes. Taiwanese! You are on the road to attack Tokyo! 進攻東京,有許多條路線。臺人乎!諸君在進攻東京之路線上! 編號415,二戰盟軍中日文傳單《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》


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