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《衝擊》天火降臨-戰勝日本,最終號,民國34年《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

《Impact》Air Victory Over Japan, Final Issue, 1945

《衝擊》天火降臨-戰勝日本,最終號,民國34年《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

《Impact》Air Victory Over Japan, Final Issue, 1945  《衝擊》天火降臨-戰勝日本,最終號,民國34年《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》
《Impact》Air Victory Over Japan, Final Issue, 1945 《衝擊》天火降臨-戰勝日本,最終號,民國34年《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

IMPACT Sept.-Oct., 1945


This is the final issue of IMPACT. It is devoted entirely to the part played by the Army Air Forces in the war against Japan. No at- tempt has been made to give a full account of the achievements of the Navy, Marines and Ground Forces,

It is believed appropriate, in this swan song, identify those who have produced the magazine. IMPACT was brought to life in April, 1943, by Mr. (then major, later lieutenant colonel) Edward K. Thompson of LIFE magazine. He was succeeded in June, 1944, by a group of three editors: Lt. Col. Robert E. Girvin, formerly of the San Francisco CHRONICLE: Major Maitland A. Edey and Capt. Tom Prideaux, both formerly of LIFE. At war's end the editorial staff also included Capt. Peter B. Greenough, formerly of the Cleveland PLAIN DEALER: Capt. Gordon G. Macnab, formerly of the Associated Press and Capt. Hugh Fosburgh, formerly of LIFE. Layouts have been by Sgt. David Stech, formerly of the Popular Science Publishing Co.. and maps and art by Sgt. Jerry Cominsky, former New York free lance artist, and Sgt. Frank Chilton, formerly of the New York WORLD TELEGRAM. Capt. Carl E. Hill has served as executive officer. All else has been in the able hands of Miss Mary C. Morgan, formerly of the Montgomery, Ala., high school.

Throughout its life, IMPACT has been printed by Schneidereith & Sons, Baltimore, Md.


《衝擊(IMPACT)》 民國34年 9 月至 10 月



相信這是很合適在這最後一期的刊物裡來了解一下產出這份雜誌的人們。《衝擊/IMPACT》於民國32年(主曆1943年)4月發行,主事者為《生活/ LIFE》雜誌的愛德華-湯普森(Edward K. Thompson)先生(之後晉升少校、中校)。民國33年(主曆1944年)6月,由曾服務於《舊金山紀事報》的羅伯特-葛溫(Robert E. Girvin)中校、與均曾服務於《生活/ LIFE》雜誌的麥特蘭-伊戴(Maitland A. Edey)少校及湯姆-普利多(Tom Prideaux)上尉三人組成的編輯小組接替他的工作。戰爭末期時的編輯群還包括了曾服務於《克利夫蘭正直人日報》的彼得-格林諾(Peter B. Greenough)上尉、曾服務於《美聯社》的葛登-麥克納布(Gordon G. Macnab)上尉,以及曾服務於《生活/ LIFE》雜誌的休-福士柏(Hugh Fosburgh)。負責排版的是曾服務於《大眾科學月刊》的大衛-史戴奇(David Stech)中士,負責照片與美術編輯的是曾服務於《紐約雙週刊》的特約美編傑瑞-柯明斯基(Jerry Cominsky)中士及曾服務於《紐約世界電報》報社的法蘭克-契爾頓(Frank Chilton)中士。卡爾-希爾(Carl E. Hill)上尉擔任執行長,其餘工作均由來自阿拉巴馬州蒙哥馬利中學能幹的瑪莉-摩根(Mary C. Morgan)小姐負責處理。



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