Private First Class 〈PORTER J. HOMER〉, F Company, 475th Infantry (MARS TASK FORCE), U.S. ARMY relic
美國陸軍第475步兵團F連上兵〈侯墨-波特〉遺物《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

侯墨 J. 波特
侯墨 J. 波特,75歲,托雷多人,民國88年(主曆1999年)4月7日逝世。他是一名退休的卡車司機,他同時也在二戰期間服役於麥瑞爾突擊隊 (MARS TASK FORCE)。他於15年前搬到佛州,享受著划船、釣魚及不定向飛靶運動的退休人生。
Homer J. Porter
Homer Porter, age 75, of Toledo, passed on April 7, 1999. He was a retired truck driver, he also served in WW II with the Merle's Maurders. He retired to Florida 15 years ago, and he enjoyed boating, fishing and trap shooting.
He will be sadly missed by his loving wife of 53 years, Virginia Porter, daughters, Linda Aiken, Joanne Phillips; son, Roger Porter; 8 grandchildren; 1 great-grandchild and many relatives and friends. Memorial services will be today at 3 p.m. Solid Rock Assembly of God, 1630 Broadway. Memorials may be made to Virginia Porter.

🔖 China Memorial Medal *
🔖 Asiatic-Pacific Theater Ribbon W/4 Bronze Stars
🔖 Distinguished Unit Badge 美國陸軍,總統部隊獎章

To you who answered the call of your country and served in its Armed Forces to bring about the total defeat of the enemy, I extend the heartfelt thanks of a grateful Nation. As one of the Nation's finest, you undertook the most severe task one can be called upon to perform. Because you demonstrated the forti- tude, resourcefulness and calm judgment necessary to carry out that task, we now look to you for leadership and example in further exalting our country in peace.

Restoration of the the U. S. Army 〈Distinguished Unit Badge〉

*The medal was issued by the Republic of China to any American or other member of the Allied Forces who served in the China Theater for at least 30 days between September 1939 and September 1948. The China Theater was defined as mainland China, Formosa, any part of the CBI Theater, and the waters of the Yellow Sea, or East and South China Sea. Also included is service in the Philippines, and participation in the Okinawa operation. The medal is no longer issued by the Republic of China.