民國33年,凱迪拉克...從和平到戰爭手冊《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

A Message to Cadillac Owners
Our country has been actively at war for over two years. At this point we feel sure that the more than two hundred and fifty thousand Cadillac owners who have made the activities of this company possible will be interested in knowing something about Cadillac wartime accomplishments. That story is herein briefly told.
Late in 1941, when Cadillac, along with other American industries, faced the necessity o abandoning peacetime production to build instruments of war, we were beset with literally scores of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. The situation called for every ounce of ingenuity that this seasoned organization could muster.
Fortunately, some preparations had been made in advance. As early as 1939, we had started to make precision aircraft engine parts; also, our plans for the M-5 light tank were under way months before Pearl Harbor. But there was something else which made it possible for us to reach quantity production so soon. That was a long-time familiarity with change. During peacetime, the rapid development of the motor car to higher and higher stages of perfection required fluidity of thought and action and each new model brought its changes in manufacturing set-up and production processes. Yet, the changes accompanying the transition from peace to war were on a vastly larger scale than anything we had previously attempted.
Today, the first part of the job is finished. The things we have accomplished are the result of individual effort by members of the Cadillac organization backed by the splendid, close cooperation of the Army. It has enabled us to meet every assignment on time-or ahead of time.
Through training and experience, we are daily becoming more and more proficient in our appointed tasks. However, warfare demands the constant development of new weapons to maintain an advantage over the enemy. Whatever changes or new demands are made upon us. I am sure will be met to the best of our ability, willingly and intelligently. That, together with day-to-day plugging, is the responsibility which we at Cadillac gladly accept to hasten the day of final Victory.
N. Dreystartt
General Manager,
Cadillac Motor Car Division
