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民國33年,M5A1 輕型戰車裝備學員講義,美國陸軍裝甲兵學校戰車處《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》


民國33年,M5A1 輕型戰車裝備學員講義,美國陸軍裝甲兵學校戰車處《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

LIGHT TANK INSTALLATIONS M5A1 1944, The ARMORED SCHOOL TANK DEPARTMENT FORT KNOX KENTUCKY 民國33年,M5A1 輕型戰車裝備學員講義,美國陸軍裝甲兵學校戰車處《Black Water Museum Collections  | 黑水博物館館藏》
LIGHT TANK INSTALLATIONS M5A1 1944, The ARMORED SCHOOL TANK DEPARTMENT FORT KNOX KENTUCKY 民國33年,M5A1 輕型戰車裝備學員講義,美國陸軍裝甲兵學校戰車處《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》



The M5 and M5A1 have the same general appearance and construction. The "M" denotes model and the "A" denotes alteration. Although this booklet deals specifically with the M5A1, it may be used in most cases as a guide to the M5 as well, since the differences between the two tanks are not great.

The tank crew is trained to inspect the tank according to a "Crew Drill", (see page 47). In so doing it functions as a team. This drill is intended to provide the unit com- mander with a guide whereby the inspection of vehicles may be performed "By the Numbers", utilizing the time of all members of the crew to best advantage and at the same time covering thoroughly all installations to be inspected. Crew duties are rotated so that all members become proficient in all duties requisite to a well drilled tank crew. Before crew drill is attempted, the installations of the tank must be studied; Iduring this study, bear in mind the mastering of: proper operation, how and what to look for when inspecting, the fuel and lubrication required to keep the vehicle rolling. Reference: The appropriate vehicle Technical Manual.

Regulations prescribe that First Echelon Maintenance shall consist of:

1. Proper operation and detecting faulty performance.

2. Prevention of abuse and failure of vehicles.

3. Preventive maintenance inspections.

4. Servicing (checking and replenishing fuel, oil, grease, water and antifreeze,and battery water; checking and tightening nuts and bolts; cleaning).

5. Lubrication: Periodic changing and adding oil and grease.

6.Care of tools and equipment.

7. Emergency roadside repairs.

When is the tank inspected? ALWAYS:

1. Before operation.

2. During operation.

3. At the halt.

4. After operation.

When duties are allocated for crew inspection, it must be borne in mind that the mission is: to thoroughly inspect the tank in the most expeditious manner, with economy of time and motion. It is not enough to say that the crew functions as a team. They must know what units they are responsible for inspecting, exactly what they are looking for, and how their part of the inspection is coordinated with the other crew members.

This booklet is primarily intended for the study of installations and the items checked by the crew during first echelon maintenance. It will be used by the student as a guide and reference when actually making a study of the vehicle itself and as a study reference. The order of presentation is not the order in which the crew inspec- tion is made but the order of the study of the exterior of the tank and interior installations.

All material has been compiled from restricted data and this material is therefore

considered as restricted material.


The M5A1 light tank is a full-track laying armored vehicle carrying a four man

crew, and equipped with dual driving controls. It is powered by two 110 horsepower, Cadillac V-8, liquid-cooled engines.

The crew consists of a tank commander and gunner in the turret and a driver and assistant driver (or bow gunner) in the fighting compartment.

The armament consists of one 37-mm gun as the main weapon, supplemented by a cal .30, coaxially mounted machine gun. In the bow gunner's compartment is a cal .30, ball mounted machine gun, and outside the turret on a pedestal mount is a cal .30. antiaircraft machine gun.

The student should learn the characteristics of this tank as general information. It is important that along with the study of all American tanks and those of our allies, a study of the vehicles used by the enemy be made. There are times in combat when the quick recognition of vehicles will avert firing on friendly vehicles and loss of time. in getting a shot at the enemy.

In regard to the performance characteristics of this vehicle, as an example, the student should know that the fording ability is thirty inches of water; but more than that, he should know where that will come on the vehicle. A glance should suffice to tell if the vehicle is still well within its safe fording depth and not necessitate the measuring of exactly thirty inches to see if the vehicle is safe. This is again illustrated by the driver of an ordinary automobile. He cannot see where his wheels touch the ground yet he knows where they are. He cannot see the front of his right fender but he knows where it is. These items hold true for road space, ground clearance and other operating characteristics of the vehicle.


Weights, equipped with crew and complete stowage: 17 tons

Maximum allowed speed: 40 mph(64.4 km/h)

Maximum grade ascending ability: 30 deg

Number of miles without refueling

  • Cross country:86 miles(138.4 km)

  • Highway:172 miles(276.8 km)

Fording depth:30 in(76.2 cm)

Maximum width of ditch vehicle will cross:5 ft 5 in(1.65 m)

Maximum vertical obstacle vehicle will climb:24 in(61 cm)

Fuel, 80 octane gasoline:86 gal(325.5 L)

Oil, engine crankcase:8 qt(7.6 L)

Oil, transmission, differential, transfer unit, final drives:68 qt(64.4 L)

Cooling system:35 qt(33.1 L)


Inspect items listed to see that they are in good condition and secure.

Look beneath the tank for any evidence of a fuel, oil, or water leak.

Observe paint for rust or polished surfaces that may cause reflections, and check all vehicle markings to see that they are legible.

All hatches and pistol ports are inspected for ease of operation and to check that the catches securely lock the doors when in the open position. Rotate periscopes in mounts, checking for ease of rotation. Lubricate mounts and door hinges with engine oil as necessary.

Inspect serviceability of all brackets that protect lights and siren, and secure pioneer tools. Check for cracks in armor plate and distortion of hull floor. Check with a wrench the gear train and final drive mounting bolts. As necessary, point pioneer tools, clean tow cable with wire brush and lubricate, replace broken handles and sharpen axe.

Inspect final drive oil level daily. At the halt, feel final drives in making overheating test.

Inspect headlights in the service position and blackout position separately.


An exploded view of the track shoe is shown to facilitate an understanding of its construction. Its assembly is self explanatory. A dead track shoe is one in which the rub- ber bushings between the pin and the metal frame of the shoe have failed, leaving the pin free to turn. Dead shoes in order to be detected must be in the top part of the track which requires moving the tank to make a thorough inspection.


It is essential that proper care be given track shoes. They must be replaced when further wearing away of the tread would expos tubular sections of the inner steel shoe to the risk of being dented or deformed. Damaged links must be replaced im- mediately. Undamaged shoes whose tread rubber has worn thinner than the rubber on the inner side may be reversed.

To equalize the driving wear on the track connectors and thus lengthen the oper- ating life of the track, the entire track can be turned end for end, shifting the driving wear to the other contact surfaces of the connectors.

Check end connectors for wear and bent or broken guide lugs. Inspect all wedges and nuts for presence and tightness. Check for bottomed wedges; if clearance between wedge and connector is less than 1/32 inch, install new wedge. If grousers are being used, inspect their condition and tightness. Inspect for dead track shoes and replace them. During the inspection, the inside wedges and connectors should also be inspected.

The best preventive maintenance of all is to keep the entire track and suspension system as clean as possible; free from stones, sticks, and other debris.


Adjustment of fan belt tension is performed as follows:

1. Turn master battery switch off.

2. Loosen mounting nuts holding bracket to engine front cover.

3. Raise or lower bracket by prying with a small bar between front cover casting and fan bracket, until there is slack of 5/8"-3/4" midway between the two pulleys.

4. Tighten mounting units securely and check adjustment.



The Hydra-Matic transmission consists of a fluid coupling and an automatic trans-

mission having four forward speeds and one reverse speed. Slippage in the fluid coupling at idling speeds eliminates the need for a clutch. Gear changes are made by hydraulic pressure and are governed by the speed of the vehicle and the extent to which the driver depresses the accelerator.


Linkage adjustments cause many of the troubles arising in the Hydra-Matic. It is essential that both the manual control linkage and the throttle linkage be kept in perfect adjustment. Occasionally the throttle linkage binds or the throttle return springs become weak or missing. Foreign matter interferes with the accelerator pedal or linkage, giving the pedal insufficient pedal travel. Both front and rear bands must be kept in adjustment.


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