1944 U.S. ARMY MAP SERVICE FORMOSA (TAIWAN) Chinese version 1:250,000 AMS L593
民國33年,美國陸軍製圖局,25萬分之一,中文版台灣軍用地圖,第一版,含檢索圖共13張《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

A.M.S. L593.
First Edition (AMS 1), 1944: Revised (AMS 2), 1944
Prepared under the direction of the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army, by the Army Map Service (CV). U. S. Army, Washington, D. C., 1944. Compiled from Formosa 1:25,000, Japanese Imperial Land Survey, Taihoku, 1936; Japanese Hydrographic Chart 248, Japanese Hydrographic Chart 230, U. S. Hydrographic Chart 2500; Formosa 1:300,000, Government General of Formosa, Land Investigation Bureau, ca. 1930. Communications revised to 1944 from Intelligence Reports. Place names transliterated in their Japanese form, according to the Modified Hepburn (Romaji) system.
