1943 U.S. Army Fort Benning GA Training Chart《THE CONCEPT OF DEFENSE》 1-A-424
民國32年,美國陸軍,喬治亞州班寧堡《防禦的概念》訓練圖 1-A-424《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

DOCTRINE OF DEFENSE.-"Our defensive doctrine contemplates the organization of a battle position to be held at all costs and the use of covering forces to delay and disorganize the advance of the enemy and to deceive him as to the true location of the battle position." (FM 100-5, Par. 589.)
MISSION OF INFANTRY.-"The infantry mission in defense is, with the support of the other arms, to stop the enemy by fire in front of the battle position, to repel his assault by close combat if he reaches it, and to eject him by counter- attack if he succeeds in entering it." (FM 7-40, Par. 234b .)
