去年的《金剛一號操演》紀念活動因天雨臨時取消瑪莉蓮小姐(Stuart M5A1)司徒戰車戶外機動科目,熊震球先生與我約定今年的10月24日,也就是金門戰役開戰前夕65周年,一定要重新坐上瑪莉蓮小姐的射手席,用兩顆凱迪拉克引擎驅動自動變速箱好好地奔馳一番。再晚,就沒有辦法爬上戰車了,熊震球先生說道。
民國103年10月24日(2014),天氣陰,今天是瑪莉蓮小姐(Stuart M5A1)司徒戰車戶外機動的好日子。依慣例,黑水電影派專車至台北火車站及熊府沿路接老英雄們上車,在正式活動前我們先去礁溪老如意水餃用餐,請老英雄們品嘗一下當年戰友118師老兵傳承下來的口味。
"King Kong Exercise No. 2", 24 October 2014.
In honor of the 65th anniversary of the Battle of Kinmen, the veterans of 1st Tank Battalion were participating in an exercise with the M5A1 Stuart light tank No.66 at the same afternoon of 24th shortly right before the battle had started.