二戰生產的道奇3/4T軍械車與韓戰後生產的道奇3/4T軍械車,長得很像嗎?當然不是,從下圖可以簡單的辨識,M37與WC-51 3/4T軍械車間明顯的差異:
✔ (綠)後貨斗,M37由駕駛側平滑延伸,WC-51後貨斗左右凸出。
✔ (黃)引擎蓋,M37是前掀式,WC-51是鷗翼式。
✔ (紅)加油孔,M37凸出,WC-51在車體上。
✔ (橘)備胎,M37B1凸出車體外,WC-51內藏於車體線內。
✔ (藍)後斗蓋,M37滿框,WC-51內縮。

我協修美陸軍第M37軍械車第五千輛交接典禮由我陸軍協助修理美陸軍M37軍械車第五千輛交接典禮,一日上午在台北陸軍汽車基地舉行,我陸軍總司令于豪章上將及美太平洋陸軍總司令羅森上將主持交接儀式。圖是:于豪章上將在典禮上致詞,其後為羅森上將。中央社記者馮國鏘攝 六十一年五月一日

It had been almost four years since Dodge had ended production of its M37 when, in 1958, the Dodge M37B1 Cargo Truck made its appearance. Although very similar to the M37, the M37B1 incorporated a few distinguishing differences. The M37B1's spare tire was mounted outside the driver's door on a pivoting carrier that could be unlocked from inside or outside the truck. To allow for the door to open, the carrier would be swung out of the way. The transmission and electrical system of the M37B1 were also improved over those on the M37.
M37B1, USA. number 3B5812, is seen here at a Chrysler plant in Detroit on 11 May 1961. (Vintage Power Wagons collection)