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二戰,胡蜂號航空母艦目標區地圖含約克鎮號航空母艦及CVL輕航母群作戰地境線 《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》



二戰,胡蜂號航空母艦目標區地圖含約克鎮號航空母艦及CVL輕航母群作戰地境線,機密《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

WWII, U. S. S. WASP TARGET AREA (Yorktown AREA & CVL'S AREA) , CONFIDENTIAL 二戰,胡蜂號航空母艦目標區地圖含約克鎮號航空母艦及CVL輕航母群作戰地境線,機密《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》
WWII, U. S. S. WASP TARGET AREA (Yorktown AREA & CVL'S AREA) , CONFIDENTIAL 二戰,胡蜂號航空母艦目標區地圖含約克鎮號航空母艦及CVL輕航母群作戰地境線,機密《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

WWII, U. S. S. WASP TARGET AREA (Yorktown AREA & CVL'S AREA) , CONFIDENTIAL 二戰,胡蜂號航空母艦目標區地圖含約克鎮號航空母艦及CVL輕航母群作戰地境線,機密《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》
WWII, U. S. S. WASP TARGET AREA (Yorktown AREA & CVL'S AREA) , CONFIDENTIAL 二戰,胡蜂號航空母艦目標區地圖含約克鎮號航空母艦及CVL輕航母群作戰地境線,機密《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

WWII, U. S. S. WASP TARGET AREA (Yorktown AREA & CVL'S AREA) , CONFIDENTIAL 二戰,胡蜂號航空母艦目標區地圖含約克鎮號航空母艦及CVL輕航母群作戰地境線,機密《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》
WWII, U. S. S. WASP TARGET AREA (Yorktown AREA & CVL'S AREA) , CONFIDENTIAL 二戰,胡蜂號航空母艦目標區地圖含約克鎮號航空母艦及CVL輕航母群作戰地境線,機密《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》

China coast air
operations/strikes along
against shipping•by TF 38 1: 0491 
by TG 38.1 3:0187 
by TG 38.3 10:0406 
by Wasp(CV18)3:0469 
by Yorktown (CV10) 3: 0313

Task Force 38 consisted of four task groups. These task groups worked in conjunction with each other and/or as fast carrier task groups. The fast carrier task groups provided strategic support to the various operations in the Western Caroline Islands and Philippines by targeting areas of Japanese logistical and force buildup that were supposedly behind the front line of combat. Strikes were made against targets in Indochina, Formosa, Japanese-held South China, and the Ryukyus to draw off naval and air reinforcements. This was particularly effective during the Palau Islands and Leyte operations.

Serial 0074, Operations Summaries of Carrier Strikes. W. F. Halsey [Robert B. Charney]. October 27,1944.12pp. Brief statistical summary of air strikes, by TG 38.3, on September 14; by TF 38 in the Visayas area on October 11 and 15, in Luzon area on October 12-14, and in the Formosa area on October 16. Actions by TG 30.3 are noted also. 

Serial 00119, Forwarding of Action Reports. W. F. Halsey. November 26,1944.93pp. Forwards reports on TG 30.3, dealing with the protection of the crippled Canberra and Houston in withdrawal from Formosa area and also as bait to lure Japanese Fleet into battle with TF 38 between October 14 and 24. Enclosures include the action reports of the commanders of CruDiv 13 and 10 and DesDiv 92

Serial 00121, Report of Operations Preliminary to and In Support of the LeyteSamar Operations, October 1944. W. F. Halsey. November 28,1944.13pp. Narrative highlights the operations preliminary to KING n, including the completion of the Palau operations and carrier-based air operations against Formosa, between October 14 and 22. Enclosures outline force composition, results of surface actions and carrier air strikes, and loss and damage reports. 

Serial 0053, Operational Summaries of Carrier Strikes. W. F. Halsey [Robert B. Carney]. January 16,1945. 9pp. Brief statistical summary of air strikes by TF 38 elements in support of Lingayen Gulf landings, between January 3 and 9. Includes air strikes against Formosa, Pescadores, and Luzon. 

Serial 0081, Report on Operations of the Third Fleet, December 30,1944-January 23,1945. W. F. Halsey. January 23,1945. 20pp. Covers Third Fleet's support of Lingayen Gulf landings by Southwest Pacific forces. Includes information on activities of Fast Carrier Task Force and oiler group in China Sea, and air strikes on Formosa and in Nansei Shoto area. 

Serial 0084, Operational Summaries of Carrier Strikes. W. F. Halsey [Robert B. Carney]. January 24,1945. 9pp. Brief statistical summary of air strikes by elements of TF 38 in China Sea area. Includes strike information on shipping off Indochina coast and in Saigon-Cam Ranh Bay area on January 12 and on Formosa and China coast in Hong Kong-Hainan-Amoy area between January 12 and 16. In addition, a comparison of French reports and TF 38 claims regarding shipping damages in Saigon-Cam Ranh Bay area is highlighted. 

Serial 0086, Operational Summaries of Carrier Strikes. W. F. Halsey [Robert B. Carney]. January 26,1945. 6pp. Brief statistical summary of TF 38 air strikes, after leaving China Sea, against Formosa on January 21 and Nansei Shoto area [Okinawa] on January 22.

Serial 043, Action Report, December 30,1944-January 26,1945. Volume 1 of 5. A. W. Radford. January 27,1945.126pp. Detailed report on the actions of Carrier Division 6 in supporting the Lingayen Gulf landings. Air operations included targets in Formosa, Indochina [Vietnam], and along Chinese coast. Includes information on force composition and organization, narrative chronology of events, and comments and recommendations on conduct of air and surface operations. Enclosures include assessment of damage and losses to enemy shipping, aircraft, and land targets, plus operational statistics. 

Serial 043, Action Report, December 30,1944-January 26,1945. Volume 2 of 5. A. W. Radford. January 27,1945. 95pp. Covers operations by Yorktown (CV10) against the enemy during the period from December 30,1944 to January 23,1945. Operations include air strikes against Luzon, Formosa, Indochina, Japanese-held China, and the Nansei Shoto. Air strikes were primarily against airfields and shipping in an effort to disrupt enemy force buildup and possible counterattacks. 

Serial 043, Action Report, December 30,1944-January 26,1945. Volume 5 of 5. A. W. Radford. January 27,1945.148pp. Covers air operations by Cowpens against the enemy during the period of December 30,1944 to January 4,1945. Operations consisted of air strikes against Formosa, primarily against airfields and shipping, in an effort to disrupt enemy force buildup and possible counterattacks during landings on Luzon. Enclosures include narrative of events, chronological account, ordnance material and equipment performance comments, and recommendations and lessons learned.

Serial 0178, Report of Anti-Aircraft Action by Surface Ships, October 12-15,1944. Carl F. Espe. October 24, 1944.174pp. Highlights DesRon 46's anti-aircraft screening operation in support of TG 38.1's air strikes against Formosa during Leyte-Cebu-Negros area operations. Enclosures include vessel commanders' narratives with supporting documents. 

Serial 0040, Action Report, TG 38.2, October 6-November 3,1945. G. F. Bogan. Novembers, 1944.55pp. Highlights operations as part of TF 38 in strategic support of the assault force which landed on Leyte, attacked airfields and shipping in the central and southern Nansei Shoto, Formosa, Luzon, and the Visayas. Enclosures include statistical reports on effectiveness of air operations, track charts of TG 38.2 and enemy fleet, and enemy fleet disposition. 

Serial 0047, Action Report: Support of Lingayen Landings, December 30,1944- January 26,1945. G. F. Bogan. January 26,1945, 72pp. Covers air strikes against enemy aircraft, installations, and shipping in the Formosa, Luzon, Cam Ranh Bay (Indochina), Hong Kong, and Okinawa Gunto areas during the period January 3-22. The air strikes were in strategic support of the Lingayen Gulf landings in the Philippines. This report includes information on air and surface operations and movements, summaries of air actions and effectiveness of strikes, and recommendations and lessons learned pertaining to tactics, equipment, and personnel. There is also information on communications, fighter direction, and target analysis. 

Serial 0091, Action Report of Battle of Formosa. Frederick C. Sherman. Decembers, 1944. 437pp. Highlights the mission objectives of destroying enemy aircraft, facilities, and shipping in central western Formosa and in the Pescadores Islands. In addition, covers enemy air response to task force movement towards Formosa. Enclosures include Operation Order 3-44, with annexes and sub-unit command groups, individual vessel, and air group operational narratives. Recommendations and lessons learned are highlighted also. 

Serial 0024, Report of Operations in Support of Luzon Landings, December 30, 1944-January 26,1945. Frederick C. Sherman. February 9,1945.59pp. Outlines air and surface operations in support of amphibious landings in Lingayen Gulf. These support operations were intended to prevent large Japanese air and surface forces from responding to reinforcement calls from Luzon. The fast carrier forces provided air strikes against Luzon, Formosa, and in the South China Sea area. Air and surface strikes in the South China Sea were against enemy shipping and forces in Saigon-Cam Ranh Bay, South China Coast-Hong Kong-Formosa, and in the Nansei Shoto areas. 

Serial 078, Action Report, Formosa Strikes, October 12-14,1944. C. R. Todd. October 15,1944. 5pp. Brief summary, including chronology and casualty report, of screening and surface operations submitted by commander, DesRon 55. 

Serial 00263, Action Report•Operations Against Okinawa Jima, Formosa, Luzon, and Visayas in Support of the Occupation of Leyte, during the Period from October 7 through 21,1944. Volume 1 of 2. Ralph Davison. November 16,1944.181pp. Details effectiveness of air and surface operations in an effort to inflict maximum damage on enemy aircraft, surface forces, shipping, and ground installations. This was to prevent enemy surface and air reinforcement and interference with invasion and occupation of Leyte. Enclosures include narratives submitted by individual vessel commanders, sub-unit group commands, and air group commands. Information included in these narratives consists of chronologies, surface and air action reports and statistics, battle damage assessments, casualty information, equipment and personnel performance reports, and recommendations and lessons learned. 

Serial 00263, Action Report•Operations Against Okinawa Jima, Formosa, Luzon, and Visayas in Support of the Occupation of Leyte, during the Period from October 7 through 21,1944. Volume 2 of 2. Ralph Davison. November 16,1944. 281pp. Continues individual vessel, sub-unit command groups, and air group commands narratives from frame 0087 above. (Continues with San Jacinto (CVL 30) narrative.)

Serial 0117, Antiaircraft Action Reports, October 12-13,1944. V. D. Long. November 4,1944. 28pp. Forwards action reports, by commander, DesRon 6, of Helm (DD388) and Bagley (DD386) covering screening operations east of Formosa during three-day air strike by TG 38.4 in support of Leyte Operations. 

Serial 003, Action Report for January 1945. M. B. Gardner. January 28,1945.35pp. Covers operations of Carrier Division 7, designated as First Night Carrier Task Group. This task group was assigned to TG 38.2 during daylight operations. The mission of this task group was to protect the amphibious landings in Lingayen Gulf, between January 6-22, from interference by enemy surface forces, and from air attacks launched from Formosa or Nansei Shoto airfields. Information includes summary of operations, statistical summaries on air operations, ordnance expenditures, losses and rescue operations, and damage to enemy. There is a section highlighting recommendations and lessons learned. 

air operations/strikes on 
by CarDiv 6 3:0187 
by Cowpens (CVL258) 3: 0579 
by Fast Carrier Task Force 1: 0471 
general 1:0302 
support of, by DesRon 55 12: 0359 
support of, by DesRon 61 6: 0866 
by TF 38 1: 0038,0209,0462,0491,0690 
by TG 38.1 5:0001
by TG 38.2 5:0286
by TG 38.3 9: 0248; 10: 0406 
by TG 38.4 13:0087,0268 
by Wasp (CV18) 3: 0469 
by Yorktown (CV10) 3: 0313 
Canberra and Houston (CL81 ) in area of 1:0209

Formosa, Battle of 
9: 0248 


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