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中國帆船(Chinese Junk)-長榮海事博物館

中國帆船(Chinese Junk)-長榮海事博物館
中國帆船(Chinese Junk)-長榮海事博物館

中國帆船(ジャンク | The Junk)

中國海岸線長達18,000多公里,沿海的居民 早在春秋戰國時代(西元前8世紀~西元前3世 紀),就已經能夠掌握季風的規律變化進行沿 岸航行:直到宋元時朝(西元10~14世紀), 中國的海外貿易達到鼎盛。

古代中國人在海外貿易的成就,與其擁有性 能優異的船舶有密切的關係。中國帆船種類 繁多,可粗分為福船與沙船二大類,福船有 龍骨、尖頭尖底、吃水深:沙船沒有龍骨, 方頭平底,吃水淺,福船與沙船均適用於遠 洋航行,但因品船性能較佳而較常被採用。

The Chinese coastline extends for 18,000 km, and for millennia coastal residents have known well how to take advantage of seasonal wind patterns called monsoons. Coastal travel flourished as early as the Spring & Autumn period and by the Warring States period (800 BC to 300 BC). Chinese overseas trade rose to great prosperity and came to peak during the Sung and Yuan Dynasties (joth to 14th century AD).

Ancient Chinese mariners were successful in overseas trade because their ships were advanced. These ships were divided into two main classes, Fu-chuan and Sha-chuan. Fu-chuan is a deep-drafted craft with a keel, a curved bottom, and a pointed bow. Sha-chuan is a type of shallow-draft vessel with flat bottom, no keel, and sometimes a pram bow. Both types of craft were capable of voyaging at sea, but Fu-chuan was more efficient in ocean waves and contrary winds.


福船為中國二大船系之一,吃水較深, 多航行於長江以南的岩岸以及遠洋。本模型參考17世紀日本人繪製的「唐船之圖」(松浦史料博物館藏)中台灣船圖像及紀載資料製作而成。

Fu-chuan was one of the two major types of junk. It had a deep draft and normally sailed the rocky coast south off the Yangtze River. This model was constructed according to information in Pictures of Junks, including design data and an image drawn by a 17th century Japanese artist. (Collected by the Matsura Historical Museum).

曾樹銘(Tseng Shu-ming)、郭震昌 (Kuo Cheng-chang)


214x52.5 x 202cm




中國船的特色 Chinese junk






王船 (King-Boat)

王船祭典是台灣西南部最具有代表性的民間宗教活動之一,其由來眾說紛紜,相傳早期台灣因為瘟疫猖獗,信眾透過作王醮來祭拜俗稱王爺的瘟疫神; 另一種說法為,王爺又稱千歲,代表天帝下凡巡查人間(代天巡狩),庇佑地方平靖。祭典壓軸是送王船的儀式,早期多流放王船稱為遊地河;而今則多採燒王船,讓灰燼升天稱為遊天河。

The King-Boat Festival is one of the most iconic folk events in southern Taiwan. The King-Boat is made for Quian Sui, a representative of the Heavenly Emperor who protects the people. In bygone days, the highlight of the King-Boat Festival was setting the boats adrift at sea, but burned on a beach in modern times.

曾樹銘(Tseng Shu-ming)

郭震昌 (Kuo Cheng-chang)

木、帆布、金屬(wood, canvas, metal)





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