(ADV.FOR SUN, AMS, APRIL 18 USE WITH RYAN STORY) (NY42-April 16) ODD MAN OUT - A "new page" in Red Chinese -U.S. relations has been opened Communist China's Premier Chou En-lai told members of a U.S. table tennis team recently. If so, the book could well be thrown away when it comes to the historic diplomatic support of the U.S. for Nationalist China's chief-of-state Gen. Chiang Kai-shek, above. (AP Wirephoto) (hmb62330fls) 1971 scs: a 1966 photo《Black Water Museum Collections | 黑水博物館館藏》
被排除的異類—紅色中國與美國關係的「新頁」已經展開,共產黨中國的總理周恩來最近這麼告訴美國乒乓球隊隊員們;若真如此,那麼談到美國對國民政府所代表的中國元首蔣中正具歷史意義的外交協助之時,這本書就可以直接扔掉了。上圖。(美聯社,傳真照片)(hmb62330fls) 民國60年 scs: 攝於民國55年。《黑水博物館館藏》
