FM 17-68 ARMORED FORCE FIELD MANUAL, CREW DRILL LIGHT TANK M5 SERIES, June 8, 1943 | Black Water Museum Collections
b. M5A1 light tank. In this and later models, the radio is located in the turret bulge, immediately accessible to the tank commander. The gunner's interphone control box is on the roof of the turret in front of him. The tank commander's control box is on the right side of the turret. On mounting the M5A1 tank, the crew follows the same procedure as that prescribed for the M5 model with the following exceptions: the tank commander turns on the receiver, transmitter or amplifier, and sets the
channel number button. Upon the command CHECK INTERPHONE, the gunner reports first, followed in or der by the bow gunner and driver.
NOTE: In tanks equipped with SCR-506, two mem bers of the crew (Bog and gunner) are qualified radio operators. The principal duty of the Bog is to operate this set, and interphone procedure is modified as required to enable him to perform his duties.
Driver __________DRIVER
Gunner _________GUNNER
Bow Gunner ______BOG
Any tank ________TANK
Armored car ______ARMORED CAR
Any unarmored vehicle_TRUCK
Infantry ________DOUGHS
Machine gun ______MACHINE GUN
Airplane ________PLANE
b. Commands for movement of tank.
To move the tank forward _______DRIVER MOVE OUT
To halt the tank ___DRIVER STOP
To reverse the tank _DRIVER REVERSE
To decrease speed __DRIVER SLOW DOWN
To turn right 90° ___DRIVER CLOCK 3 — STEADY-Y-Y-Y ... ON
To turn left 60° ___DRIVER CLOCK 10— STEADY-Y-Y-Y ... ON
To turn right (left) 180° _________DRIVER CLOCK 6 RIGHT (LEFT)—STEADY-Y-Y-Y ... ON
To have driver move to ward a terrain feature or reference point. The tank being headed in proper direction ___DRIVER MARCH ON WHITE HOUSE (HILL, DEAD TREE, ETC.)
To follow on road or trail _________DRIVER RIGHT ON ROAD (DRIVER RIGHT ON TRAIL)
To start engines ___DRIVER CRANK UP
To stop the engine _DRIVER CUT ENGINE
To proceed at same speed ________DRIVER STEADY
c. Comands for control of turret.
To traverse the turret -GUNNER TRAVERSE LEFT (RIGHT)
To stop turret traverse _GUNNER STEADY-Y-Y-Y ... ON
d. Fire orders. See FM 17-12 .
(a) DISMOUNT; on the left of your tanks, FALL IN.
(b) MOUNT.
Figure 5. Pep drill.
Figure 7. Left rear view of turret trainer for light tank gun crews.
Figure 6. Turret and gun controls on combination gun mount M44, in light tank M5A1.
Figure 8. Driver's compartment, light tank M5
Figure 9. Turret basket, left side, light tank M5.
Figure 10. Turret basket, right side, tank commander's seat, light tank MS.
1. Periscope headrest
2. Recoil adjuster knob
3. Stiffness adjuster knob
4. Firing switches for • 37-mm gun and co axial machine gun
5. Power traverse (pistol grip) control handle
6. Safety trigger
7. Elevating handwheel
8. T-handle
9. Machine gun solenoid
10. Gyro control unit.
11. Periscopic sight M4, w/telescope M40
12. Worm and sector gear
13. Oil reservoir (filler gauge)
Figure 11. Gunner's controls, combination gun mount M23.
Figure 12. Dismounted action, crew formed for drill (tank commander instructing).
Figure 13. Posts of dismounted crew in action.
Figure 14. Evacuation of bog with arms crossed.
Figure 15. Evacuation of bog down front slope plate.
Figure 16. Evacuation of gunner with two pistol belts.
32. TO EVACUATE GUNNER (TANK COM MANDER). Crew being at mounted posts. (Note: The duties of No. 1 and No. 2 of evacuation team are inter changeable. The first man to realize the situation as sumes the initiative as No. 1).
No. 1 Command EVACUATE GUNNER (TANK COMMANDER) Mount to top of turret. Slip pistol belt under each arm of gunner. Lift casualty through hatch.
No. 2 Throw first-aid kit (kept in accessible spot in turret) to ground.Mount to top of turret. Pass pistol belt to No. 1. Lift casualty through hatch.
Figure 17. Vehicular tools furnished each light tank (see SNL G-103). (The number and position of tools for a formal inspection is a command decision.)
1. Bag, tool
2. Bars, utility (2)
3. Chisel, maehs, hand, cold
4. Extension, socket wrench, plain, 10"
5. Files, A.S., 6" & 8" (2)
6. Fixture, track connecting and link pulling w/handle (commonly called "track jack")
7. Gun, lubr., pressure, hand
8. Hammer, machs, ball peen, 32 oz
9. Handle, cross extension, socket wrench, 8"
10. Handle, hinged socket wrench, 12", w/crossbar
11. Handle, socket wrench, offset, dble-end
12. Handle, "T", sliding, socket wrench
13. Joint, universal, socket wrench
14. Pliers, comb., slip-jt, 8"
15. Pliers, side-cutting, fl-nose, 8"
16. Ratchets, reversible, socket wrench, 9" (2)
17. Screwdrivers, including one non-magnetic for Pioneer compass (5)
18. Sockets, 1/2" sq-drive, dble-hex, 7/16" to 3/8" (9)
19. Wrench, adj., sgle-end, 8"
20. Wrench, adj., rgle-end, 12"
21. Wrench, brake, socket, w/liandle
22. Wrenches, engrs, dble-hd, 5/16" to 1-3/8" (7)
23. Wrenches, socket head set screws, 1/8" hex to 3/4" hex (10)
24. Wrench, trailing idler wheel nut & track adjusting
25. Wrench, socket, speeder
Section X
41. FIELD CHECK OF SIGHTS. Frequent checking of the sights is vital in the field. This is done by selecting a distant aiming point as explained in paragraph 42a, and aligning the crosshairs of the coaxial telescope on it. Then check to see whether the crosshairs of the periscopic telescope coincide on the same point. If they do, the sights are assumed to be still in adjustment. If they do not, the adjustment has slipped and a new adjustment for both sights must be made.
42. SIGHT ADJUSTMENT. Sights are in adjustment when the axis of the bore is parallel to the line of sight ing of the telescope (and periscope). For practical pur poses these lines are considered parallel when they con verge on a point not less than 1500 yards distant. a. Distant aiming point method. Select a point such as a building, telegraph pole, or smokestack at least 1500